Review – Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs

Title: Forgive My Fins    Author: Tera Lynn Childs
Release Date: June 28th 2011
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books            Source: Won in a giveaway
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Lily Sanderson is half-human, half-mermaid. She is now living on land and going to Seaview High School, living a normal human life. But she also has another secret: she likes Brody, one of the most popular guys in school. When Lily asks Brody to the dance and he turns her down, her obnoxious biker-boy neighbour, Quince Fletcher, offers to help her. But things go awry when Lily accidentally kisses Quince instead of Brody, causing a magical bond to form between them. Now, Quince and Lily are in a race against time to sever the bond, but on the way, they each discover the thing that was right before their eyes all along.

My thoughts:

I’d heard good things about this book and I was definitely looking forward to it, but I really wasn’t expecting it to be as fun and light-hearted as it is. I read this book very quickly and it put a very big smile on my face. I loved it!

This was my first mermaid book, so I didn’t really know what to expect. Well, it totally obliterated anything I had in mind! I really liked the whole premise and the story.

I really liked the charcaters, how Lily was brave enough to ask  Brody out and all her `fish-y` vocabulary, it was really funny 🙂 I also immediately fell in love with Quince. He is funny, but also very sweet. I liked that.

For me, the sense of humour in a book is very important and this one had plenty! I literally rolled on the floor laughing at some scenes in it!

I also liked Lily and Quince’s realtionship. There was so much tension between these two, that you could cut it with a knife. Spoiler alert! Highlight between the asteriks to read. *My sentimental part was very satisfied. I mean, you should’ve seen the kisses! They were so passionate and tense, yet also very soft.*

I absolutely loved Forgive My Fins and I recommend it to all of you, my dear readers. You won’t regret it!

My rating: 5/5 stars

Forgive My Fins quotes:

“I don’t believe it,’ Quince says with absolute certainty. ‘I don’t believe anything magical can make someone more in love.’ […]
He looks me right in the eye as he says, ‘Love is already the strongest magic in the world.”

“Some people find beauty in chaos.”

“Quince…why didn’t you ever tell her? This girl you love. Why didn’t you tell her how you  feel?”…
“Because”- his voice is heavy with a kind of resigned sadness “-She doesn’t want to know.”

“All right,” Shannen says slowly, tucking a lock of dark brown hair behind her ear. “Why did you glue that dolphin upside down?”
Okay, so I’m a little distracted. “He’s doing the back stroke.”

“Self-involved? Self-involved?!?” I jump to my feet, unable to sit still. “Let’s talk about self-involved, Mr. Kissing Unsuspecting Girls in Libraries.”

“This just isn’t my day. Or my week. Or maybe my life. No, sadly, this is my life.

23 thoughts on “Review – Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs

    • Ma bucur ca iti place recenzia 🙂 Sper si eu sa iti cumperi cartea, e foarte frumoasa 🙂 Dar, din pacate, trebuie sa astepti pana pe 1 mai, ca acum va fi precomanda.

  1. Am mai auzit de aceasta carte dar pana acum am avut unele retineri in privinta ei dar dupa ce am citit recenzia ta clar mi-am schimbat parerea 😀

  2. in primul rand felicitari pentru recenzie!!
    in al doilea rand, n-am citit niciodata carti cu sirene, exceptie facand Mica Sirena:)):P sper sa am ocazia sa citesc si eu cartea asta

  3. Ce dragut e machiata fata de pe copeerta:>..Chiar foarte tare ca ai scris recenzia in engleza.E park mult mai bine asa,deoarece poate mai vin si vizitatori straini ,sa inteleaga si ei.

  4. Ok , nu am mai vazut carti cu sirene. Povestea e interesanta si coperta la fel. Ma intreb cand o sa apara la noi. Abea astept. 😡

  5. Cam prea albatre buzele pentru mine, dar povestea e interesanta. Mai este o carte cu sirene aparuta la Rao, dar sincer, nu am citit-o.

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